Friday, May 21, 2010

Baby 'M' is one month old!

Our very good friends welcomed perfect little boy 'M' last month. We finally made it out there to get some pictures of the little guy. He had this adorable little crooked smile, and big brother did so so well letting us get some of the two of them together. You can already tell that they are going to be great friends.


Seniors are so so much fun!! 'C' was a natural, and so much fun to shoot! We ran all around forest park until the sun decided to quit on us :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

The most smiley baby ever!!

My best friend just welcomed this beautiful baby boy!! He was so so laid back - a sign of things to come I think! He just kept smiling!! You know what they say about baby smiles, but I couldn't help but think he already knows how to ham it up for the camera : ) He was perfection!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

'N' turns 2!!

'N's mom and I have become fast friends, and our little toddlers have too! Just a couple of weekends ago we visited little 'N' at her gym class, and my little guy took her by the hand - like they had known each other forever. This age is just so darn cute!! 'N' was so so cooperative when we headed over to the park for some 2 year pictures. She has such a big personality, and I think it shows in her pictures.